Be prepared to be less effective and waste your own time,Does your weight loss plan include these 10 Essential Steps? Articles if your weight loss programme does not contain these quick lose fat tricks.

  1. Must have a Change in Lifestyle

Every effective weight loss programme will help clients change their lifestyle. This is absolutely critical to the long term success of the programme. Unfortunately, it is now fashionable to pop slimming pills or go for cellulite treatments to lose weight.

The results from such programmes will never be permanent because the person’s lifestyle would effortlessly put back all the weight. The very moment that these artificial programmes are halted, weight will come rushing back.

When a person changes his/ her lifestyle, the unhealthy food and weight gaining activities will be eliminated from their daily lives. Hence, an effective weight loss system MUST have an in-built mechanism that helps clients refine their lifestyle.

  1. Must include a Water Drinking plan BEFORE Meals

Drinking at least a glass of water half an hour before meals is critical to weigh loss and maintenance of a healthy body. The water replenishes the fluids that will be used to make bicarbonate solution on the mucus membrane of our stomach lining. This protects the stomach hydroxicut from being burnt by its own acid fluid.

Similarly, a well hydrated body reduces the urge to drink unhealthy drinks which introduce more toxins to your body. Furthermore, the body does not need to excessively retain water, thus making the body fatter than necessary.

Lastly, a majority of people are chronically dehydrated though they seem to be leading normal lives. It is a common sight to see my clients reduce the amount they eat after they begin the water routine. Many people have lost the ability to differentiate between food hunger and water hunger. A systematic water plan will help them regain this lost touch.

  1. Must include a systematic plan for reduction of sweetened and diuretic beverages.

Sweetened drinks are beverages like soda, cola, diet cola, tea, coffee and beer. The three major groups of substances that would impede and slow down your weight loss are caffeine, sugar and sugar substitutes.

Caffeine – This is a diuretic substance that drains your body of water. It is roughly estimated that you lose 33% more fluid from your body then the amount you drank. If you drink one cup of coffee, you would lose all the fluid from the coffee plus an extra 1/3 a cup. This makes you body desperate to retain whatever water it can. In the long run, your body’s instinctive reaction is to retain water, hence giving out the round water-filled appearance. Diuretic drinks are coffee, tea, most colas, most sodas and beer (though it technically has no caffeine, it is a diuretic).

Sugar – Besides the numerous health damaging effects of sugar on your body, it also adds useless calories to your diet. When sugar enters the body it is broken down into glucose and the calorie that is created is termed “empty calorie”. It has absolutely no vitamins or minerals, hence it does not do any good to your body besides adding calories.